A D V E R T I S E |
Texual ad listings displayed in alphabetical
order in content-relevant categories and sub-classes. These ads are
published indefinitely for a small, one-time fee, and look like this:
/ Enhance your directory listing with a webcard!
A webcard,
or an e-rolodex card, is an additional, personalized, stand-alone
ad which is attached to a business listing in order to enhance its online
performance. By adding a webcard to a listing, the information belonging
to that business is published on two separate web pages. Thus, a listing
+ a webcard provides two inbound links to its website increasing the ad's
chances to be found and seen beyond the digital boundaries of this directory.
As illustrated below, a business listing contains a direct link to the
advertiser's website and one to the webcard which is accessed (as
a pop-up)
by clicking on a marked link placed at the end of the ad description. The
associated webcard also contains contact info, as well as direct links to
the website. Webcards are free-of-charge, offered only with paid directory
listings and cannot be combined with any other ad promotions. Here's what
a directory listing with a webcard looks like:
Bridge ads are large display ads which "occupy"
the "travelling space" between two pages. That is, when one clicks on
a link in order to go to a certain page, before they arrive there they
first see a "bridge ad". Here, they can stop, look, go back, or continue
on to their destination (similar to crossing an actual bridge). Usually,
bridge ads are displayed only for a short period of time (10 seconds or
less), and they can also be skipped altogether. Bridge ads placements
are not restricted to the directory's pages. They can be published
throughout this website. In order to best maximize the bridge ads'
performance, their placements are well planned based on both content
relevancy and site traffic patterns. A demo bridge ad is provided through
the next link. For its purpose, your starting and destination pages are
the same - the page you are on now. Click
here to see how bridge ads work.
These are large display ads (300 pixels wide
X at least 300 pixels tall) placed throughout the directory's sub-classes
as specified (see the 'Infinity Income Systems' ad at right). Due to content relevancy
considerations, typically, we suggest that these ads are posted in only
four sub-classes of the directory at a time. However, if requested, they
can be included in other categories. There are sixteen
directory sub-classes available to these type of ads. These ads are
called 'enhanced' for three reasons:
- Their visual presentation is enhanced by a large format with boxed content.
- Being placed at the right hand side of the directory pages, they are highly visible.
While their content is primarily textual, a logo and an image (which you provide) are accepted.
(see the 'Standard Legal' ad at right)
In general terms, these ads are somewhat similar to the directory
enhanced ads, except...
- They are always published (stacked) above the directory enhanced ads.
- While their width is restricted (by the advertising grid) to 300pix, their height can vary (within limits).
- Their content can include text, images, logos, animations, audio and video files.
- They can be published on hi-traffic pages outside the directory (based on content relevancy).
Large, highly visible display ads published at
the center top spot of each directory class and sub-class. This makes
them extremely visible and efficient, plus they...
- Never rotate positions with other ads.
- Are never published close to a competitor's ad, or an ad that contains similar content.
- Own their chosen 'marquee' spots exclusively and continuously for the entire period of the publishing contract.
See a marquee ad position for 'HotesCombined.com' here »
Are fully-functional business web pages which
we host and maintain temporarily or indefinitely, as needed. They can
contain any type of content, including shopping carts. Usually, business
profile pages act as online presence alternatives to websites that are
either under development (or review), require additional traffic, or
only contain enough content to fulfill one specific task.
The business profile pages are offered packaged with a number of web
supporting services such as ongoing content management and a limited
number of web marketing features. Being closely tied in the directory's
overall operations, routinely, the business profiles far exceed the
performance of web sites operated by average small business!
a business profile here »
These ads are similar in format to the directory
enhanced ads (300pix X 300pix, boxed textual content +logo) but are only
published in the home
business section of Padronius.com
All Directory
Business Listings and their
corresponding webcards can
be submitted and paid
for online.
Directory enhanced ads,
bridge ads,
display ads,
business profiles and
home business ads (soho)
need to be discussed between us and you, the advertiser, before publishing. Here's why:
- All these ads require customized content and design. Yes, you do
have the option to submit your own ad designs as long as they follow
our ad specs. No, you will not save on advertising fees (if you did
so) because our ad design services are free when you advertise in this directory.
- In order to maximize the ads performance, the exact publishing
positions (which are subject to availability) need to be discussed
with the advertiser.
- The cost for each of these ads is calculated based on
(i) the guaranteed pageview rate,
(ii) the number of booked positions, and
(iii) the length of the chosen advertising period (3, 6, 12 and 24 months).
- Bridge ads, in particular, require both technical and strategic
planning when placed because their placement positions are directly
related to, and determined based on a combination of page views and
site traffic patterns. Since these ad positions are extracted from
web metrics spreadsheets (based on advertisers' target specifications),
they cannot be offered beforehand, or online.
If you are interested in advertising in our
directory with any of these ad types, please contact
us »


Save thousands of dollars in agent
commissions when you sell your home on your own without the
expenses of a real estate agent! Standard Legal's For
Sale By Owner Home Sale software allows anyone to quickly
and easily create the legal documents necessary to sell a home
and close the deal. In addition to marketing and sales strategies,
this software package contains:
Residential Property Disclosure Form.
Lead-Based Paint Disclosure Form.
The EPA's Lead Based Paint Hazards Booklet.
Warranty Deeds (formatted by marital status).
Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement.
Seller's "Offer to Purchase" Form & Buyer's "Counter Offer" Form.
BONUS: FLAT-FEE MLS listing service » |

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