Please note that the following tasks were common to, and played significant roles in all projects:

document writing and review
content development / management

data sorting and analysis
digital advertising (certifications)

market and product research
client relations

TransPerfect / DataForce
1250 Broadway, New York, NY 10001
1 year

This was an AI data collection and structuring project where, in addition to acting as a moderator, I managed several on-site projects assigned to DataForce's New York City office.

The projects' scopes were to collect data through actionable intelligence studies which assessed human-machine interaction patterns, and to create metadata and structured data tables which were later used in the development of machine learning algorithms. Specifically, these projects, and their respective generated/collected data, were part of language analysis and interpretation (speech recognition), and were utilized to validate trained datasets used in the development of new AI technologies embedded in human intelligence applications, speech recognition, and machine learning.

As part of my work I also advertised the projects, recruited participants, coordinated the session bookings, and moderated the on-site data collection sessions. At the end of each day I loaded data to dedicated project servers (A3/AWS) for editors and QA reviews, and created/submitted daily workflow reports. Some of the collected data were used in the development of user demographic profiles based on which I built targeted email lists. Between data collection sessions I used these lists to invite specific participants to take part in these projects.

TWELV Fashion Magazine
247 West 38th Street, New York, NY 10018
6 years

TWELV is a NYC fashion, culture and lifestyle magazine which in 2011 I helped to produce and launch together with styling and editorial talents formerly nurtured at Condé Nast, Vogue Italia and Paris Vogue. While there, for six years I was involved in every aspect of the magazine's print and digital production, publishing, marketing and distribution cycles.

During its first two years of publishing, TWELV was produced as a glossy, large-format magazine comprising two hundred pages of articles, editorials, fashion photography and interviews with celebrities who influence our lifestyles. Since 2013 TWELV has been published only as a digital magazine. The last four years I spent there I acted as the magazine's Director of Digital Operations.

80 Maiden Lane, New York, NY 10038
5 months

Ethis Communications is a Wall Street-based advertising agency which (at the time I was a Project Manager there) researched, created and published advanced clinical content exclusively for biotech and pharmaceutical companies, and for highly-specialized medical communities. My role there was to create a more efficient production workflow between writers, editors and designers who produced medical print supplements, white papers, interactive case studies, industry-specific magazines and digital content deployed through syndicated channels, webinars and real-time online conference board rooms.

389 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10016
3 months

First published in 1944 in Switzerland, Graphis (annuals) is an international publisher of books on communication design which present the best submitted work in graphic design, advertising, photography, art, and illustrations. As a Project Manager there, my main role was to create a new production process that would produce the master templates used to create simultaneously the hard copy and digital formats of the annual art journals. As part of that I also managed Graphis' Amazon publishing platform.

Bellini Laboratories
Dermamed™ Pharmaceutical
Biolytical Laboratories

Vancouver, Canada
4 years

A few years before moving to New York, I worked on several contracts managing marketing and advertising campaigns in the beauty and self-improvement industry. Bellini Laboratories, Dermamed™ Pharmaceutical Inc. and BioLytical Laboratories were companies specializing exclusively in skin care and anti-aging products.

As a Project Manager, I oversaw and coordinate the activities of several teams of web developers (e-commerce) and internet marketing experts while managing the online ad campaigns and related budgets. As part of that role, I was also in charge with art directing the design of these companies' online ads, mini websites, and the technical manuals and promotional materials for trade shows.

Naor Skincare Inc.

In parallel to the above, but on a different contract, for a period of two years, I developed a spectrum of micro websites (nine different languages) and managed the e-commerce operations and marketing campaigns for Naor Skincare Inc. This is also a pharmaceutical company headquartered in Vancouver, Canada and with operations in South Korea and production laboratories in New York. The website I linked to here is an updated design of the original I created and managed. The content and products, however, for the most part are the same as what I originally worked on.

Purple Pages Publications
Trader Media Publications Edmonton, Canada
8 years

In essence, Purple Pages Publications was a counterpart of Yellow Pages and it was there where I managed my first large-scale projects ever. That was also the "moment" in my career (well, that moment lasted for a few years, actually) when I decided that publishing industry was going to be the love of my professional life. The wonderful people I was fortunate to meet and work with while there, the complexities/intricacies of projects, and the emerging technologies at the time stood as testaments to everything that would follow in my career to this day.

During those years I managed a series of projects, all of which supported the development of a new generation of electronic pagination system and advertising database for newspapers. These databases fed the ads and editorials simultaneously to print and digital production rooms. While working on those projects, to me it was like bringing the publishing production and composition rooms out of the dark ages and into the information age. At the time AI, of course, existed only in theories - but it was those type of projects that IT should be thankful to for today being part of practical applications.

In addition to my hands-on work in coding/tagging layout and typographic attributes in the ad-description databases, I created the projects' diagram templates and coordinated the workflow of highly-specialized, cross-functional and geographically-dispersed (USA, Canada, UK, Germany) teams of programmers, designers, writers, editors and photographers. Purple Pages Publications no longer exists but somehow, someone was smart enough to dig through Edmonton's local tv archives and preserve here a few minutes of what (in my opinion) was a golden era of modern technological developments in print publishing. Purple Pages was the first-ever publication ANYWHERE which also had talking ads!!!), hence The Talking Purple Pages.

Front Page New York
New York, New York
6 years

FrontPage.NYC is actually my own project and a hobby on which I work when I have time.

Simply put, it's a digital magazine dedicated to the talented people of our city (and others) who, because they believed in themselves, managed to inspire others by doing or creating amazing things.

At this point, the magazine is formatted as basic HTML which I have been entirely coding by hand. At some point, however (when I will have more time to dedicate to it) I plan to update/reformat everything, while preserving a format that (to a certain extent) will still resemble an actual magazine page layout grid.

As part of my work on this, I review all submitted articles before publishing them, and design all ads. Some of the photographs included in its pages are also my own.