W E L C O M E ! |
P O R T F O L I O |

Chances are,
you are here because you are searching for a contractor for your next
If so, and in a bid to earn your contract, let us tell you in a few words
about what we have to put on the table in order to help you with your decission.
That is, in addition to over twenty five years of professional experience
in the industry, and a highly regarded business reputation.
In short, we have quite an extensive and diversified portfolio. The works
we have done for over twenty years and chosen for presentation are packaged
by type and purpose and are presented in a number of formats ranging from
printed hard copies, to slides, to online URLs to digital downloads.
In addition to design and programming samples, our portfolio includes
works we did in more specialized environments ranging from photography
and photo illustrations to elecronic pagination systems for the production
of books, newsprint and magazines.
Samples of ad data extraction and formatting, automation of simultaneous
digital image processing for feeding inprint and online adverting environments.
Business writing - business and web marketing plans, web analytics
reports, project proposals and requests for proposals, contracts,
website usability and feasibility studies, site analysis, advertising copy, etc.

In order to view samples of
our work, you need to use the username and password we sent you. If you don't have
them contact us »
When requested,
we make available fully detailed professional and business profiles
of all those who are part of what we do. And, of course, many references
from a long, long list of happy clients are all available. |