Stephanie's Home Beauty Salon - Make your own organic anti-aging creams from fresh fruits, vitamins and natural oils.


This is a book that will teach you how to treat your skin using the secret powers of fruits! It'll teach you how to make your favourite skin care creams and cleansers, how to use plant infusions to prevent wrinkles and how to massage your damaged skin in order to regain its elasticity and rebuild its supply of water. This book will also teach you about beauty, about who you are and how beautiful and sexy you are! And, it'll teach you how to stay that way!

Whether you have a normal, dry, oily, or sensitive type of skin, these recipes will show you which combination of fruits and vitamins is right for you in order to repair and keep your skin healthy and young looking. All you need in order to make your own beauty creams, are fresh fruits, vitamins, teas and herbs as they are available to us on daily basis.

If you decide to take my advise, my book is available at
(paperback / Kindle), Apple Books (iPhone/iPad), Barnes & Noble, Google Books (digital), as well as from over 4,000 independent online book stores. Thank You.

- Stephanie Darie

The history of the recipes and the book. For more than 90 years, four generations of my family have been enjoying the benefits of these recipes which are all based on well-kept secrets about the natural powers of fruits. This book contains rare knowledge that has been passed by word-of-mouth by many generations. This collection of homemade anti-aging recipes is the result of a family trade which I picked up as a young girl from my grandmother who, for over sixty years (!) has been using fruits, vitamins and teas in order to stay - as she would put it - "healthy, young and pretty FOREVER"! I consider myself to have been extremely fortunate to learn, and use all this knowledge first-hand. I am grateful and I believe that now it's my turn to share it all with others. I hope that just as many, many others, you too, will follow my advice and soon will experience the amazing benefits of the creams produced by these recipes. Myself, I have been using these recipes, successfully, for over twenty years. Yet, the first time I actually wrote them down on paper (and sorted them by skin type and benefits) was in 1996 when, while a business student, I presented them "packaged" as a marketing project. Shortly after that, the entire college new about, and were asking, for my recipes. As the result of an overwhelming interest in them from women of all ages, I decided to share this knowledge by printing a small, pocket book and setting up a simple webpage. Within a year, I shipped hundreds of copies (of what became known as "the little book that everyone wants") to over twenty countries on four continents. In 2002 I released the second version of this collection, this time, as digital content available on CD which contained all the original recipes that were available in the original book. However, the production of the CD was discontinued in 2005 when the book was made available online, as paid-for content, until 2008. At that time I've also added more recipes, more references, had it as a larger format and added colors to its new imprint layout. If you'd like to contact me to learn more about my book please go to this page.